In Jamones Moreno,we bet on quality decidedly, both in our fabrication processes and our products.
An indispensable tool in this area is traceability.
The Traceability allows us to register and identify the product from its origin to the end of its commercialization process, being able to guarantee time the Food Security of products. Each piece of ham and shoulder ham is labelled when entering our facilities, and they keep identified during the whole curing and dispatch process.
As well as producing our hams according to the health legislation in force, we are also certified by CERTIFOOD in the “ETG del Jamón Serrano “ (Guaranteed Traditional Speciality) and in the “Norma de Calida para la elaboración de Jamón Ibérico, Paleta Ibérica y Caña de Lomo Ibérico elaborado en España “( quality regulation for the production of Iberian Ham, Iberian Shoulder Ham and Iberian loins in Spain).
Regarding the International regulatrion, we count on an excellent mark in the certification “IFS” (International Food Standard), which cover common audit rules that are internationally accepted.